Differences between IT and OT systems
Whereas IT systems manage data and support business functions, OT
is the hardware and software
that directly monitors/controls physical devices and processes and
as such are an integral part of
the ship and must function independently of the IT systems
onboard. The systems can, however,
be connected to the IT network for performance monitoring, remote
support etc. Such systems
are sometimes referred to as belonging to the Industrial Internet
of Things (IIOT).
There may be important differences between who handles the
purchase and management of the
OT systems versus IT systems on a ship. IT managers are not
usually involved in the purchase of OT
systems and may or may not have a thorough understanding of cyber
security. The purchase of such
systems should involve someone, who knows about the impact on the
onboard systems but will
most probably only have limited knowledge of software and cyber
risk management.
IT covers the spectrum of technologies for information processing,
including software, hardware, and
communication technologies. Traditionally OT and IT have been
separated, but with the internet, OT
and IT are coming closer as historically stand-alone systems are
becoming integrated. Disruption of
the operation of OT systems may impose significant risk to the
safety of onboard personnel, cargo,
damage to the marine environment and impede the ship’s operation.
So “Investing on Yourself is the best investment”.

Pondicherry Maritime Academy
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