International maritime signal flags are various flags used to communicate with ships. The principal system of flags and associated codes is the International Code of Signals. Various navies have flag systems with additional flags and codes, and other flags are used in special uses, or have historical significance A Alfa - Diver below (when stationary); I am undergoing a speed trial B Bravo - I am taking on or discharging explosives C Charlie - (affirmative) D Delta - keep clear of me, I am manoevering with difficulty E Echo - I am altering my course to starboard F Foxtrot - I am disabled, communicate with me G Golf - I require a pilot H Hotel - I have a pilot on board I India - I am altering my course to port J Juliett - I am going to send a message by semaphore K Kilo - you should stop your vessel instantly L Lima - you should stop, I have something important to communicate M Mike - I have a doctor on board N November - no (negative) O Oscar - man overboar...